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The Popover component is a client-side component that displays content in a portal, triggered by a button. It is built with Radix's Popover.

It uses four of Radix's Popover parts:

  • Popover: wrapper that contains all of the parts of the popover
  • PopoverTrigger: button that toggles the popover
  • PopoverAnchor: optional element to position the popover
  • PopoverContent: the content displayed in the open popover


The PopoverAnchor is positioned in the lower right corner of this container.


While the High Velocity front-end app does not extend the Radix Popover parts, the hv-ui component does change the default value for the sideOffset property. For a list of all other props and their defaults, see the Radix PopoverContent table.

sideOffsetThe distance in pixels from the anchor. Default is 4.Number