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Loading Overlay

The LoadingOverlay component is a utility component used to display a loading indicator over its child content. It supports customization and a context for managing the loading state globally or locally.


Content behind the overlay


Use theicon above to preview

LoadingOverlay Props

isLoadingDetermines whether the loading overlay is visible.Boolean
classNameCustom CSS classes for styling the overlay container.String
childrenThe content over which the overlay is displayed.ReactNode
propsAdditional propertiesHTMLDivElement


The approach for customization will vary depending on if the customization is intended to be global for all consumers of the UI component or if it is only an override for a particular instance.

  • If the customization is necessary for all use cases, update the component source code in the UI library package directly.
  • Otherwise, pass className overrides. Class overrides can be applied to all sub-components.