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What is it?

Theming is a powerful and flexible method for controlling the visual look and feel of your application.

Themes - shadcn/ui

Themes are based on shadcn/ui themes, combining modern aesthetics with responsiveness, ease of use, and visual coherence.

Locale-Specific Theming

Locale-specific theming allows you to customize the application's appearance for different cultural preferences, providing a more relevant and engaging global user experience.

Dark Mode Theming

Dark mode theming allows you to create a customized user experience optimized for use in low-light conditions.


TypeCSS VariableApplies to
  • Layout pages background
  • Drawers background
  • Accordions background
  • Alerts background
  • Navbar 'inverted' variant header text
  • Navbar icon
  • Text
  • Button hover background
  • Input ring focus
  • Carousel navigation buttons - Dark mode
  • Checkbox ring
Primary Foreground‑‑primary-foreground
  • Button hover text
  • Cart quantity bubble text
  • Badge default variant text color
  • CMS-configurable text color in
    • MediaHero
    • MediaBlockHero
    • MediaBlockHeroYouTube
    • MediaBlockHeroVimeo
    • MediaCard
  • Button background
Secondary Foreground‑‑secondary‑foreground
  • Button text
  • CMS-configurable text color in
    • MediaHero
    • MediaBlockHero
    • MediaBlockHeroYouTube
    • MediaBlockHeroVimeo
    • MediaCard
  • Account: edit address alert
  • Account: profile error
  • Cart: promo code error
  • Checkout: place order error
  • Checkout: shipping error
  • Product: add to cart error
  • Product List: create error
  • Destructive variant Button background
  • Destructive variant Badge background
  • Destructive variant Toast background
Destructive Foreground‑‑destructive‑foreground
  • Destructive variant Button text
  • Destructive variant Badge text
  • Destructive variant Toast text
  • CMS-configurable text color in
    • MediaHero
    • MediaBlockHero
    • MediaBlockHeroYouTube
    • MediaBlockHeroVimeo
    • MediaCard
  • Footer background
  • Skeleton background
Muted Foreground‑‑muted‑foreground
  • Not-Found Page message text
  • Ancestor breadcrumbs text
  • Strikethrough pricing text
  • Radio button selected inner ring
  • Input placeholder text
  • CMS-configurable text color in
    • Footer
    • MediaHero
    • MediaBlockHero
    • MediaBlockHeroYouTube
    • MediaBlockHeroVimeo
    • MediaCard
  • 'ghost' variant Button hover background
Accent Foreground‑‑accent‑foreground
  • Navbar icons hover
  • Footer links animated underline hover
  • Cart quantity button hover
  • Cart shipping, delivery, payment button text hover
  • Category links animated underline hover
  • Mobile PDP Gallery buttons
  • CMS-configurable text color in
    • MediaHero
    • MediaBlockHero
    • MediaBlockHeroYouTube
    • MediaBlockHeroVimeo
    • MediaCard
  • Inactive product variant border
  • Inactive radio button border
  • Navbar category menu border
  • Order totals border
  • Cart drawer border and dividers


TypeCSS VariableApplies to
Font Heading‑‑font‑heading
  • Drawer headings
  • PDP heading
  • Order Details heading
  • Product Tile title
  • Search Results heading
  • Grid heading
  • Carousel heading
Font Mono‑‑font‑mono
  • Not currently used
Font Body‑‑font‑body
  • All other text


Go here to learn more about typography theming.


TypeCSS VariableApplies to
Button Radius‑‑rounded-btn
  • Button
Button Padding Base‑‑btn-base
  • Button with 'default' variant
Button Padding Small‑‑btn-sm
  • Button with 'small' size variant

    • Currently not in use
Button Padding Large‑‑btn-lg
  • Button with 'large' size variant
    • Clear All* (search filters)
    • Apply* (search filters)

*Restricted to vertical adjustment due to layout constraint