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Hover Tile

The Hover Tile component serves as a wrapper for the Product Tile component, adding hover and focus states while displaying actions during these interactions.


The hover-tile is comprised of the following sub components:

  • HoverTile: The main wrapper for the hover-enabled tile.
  • HoverTileActions: A container for actions that are displayed on hover or focus.

Example Usage

VividLux OLED TV
VividLux OLED TV$599.99


The HoverTile is the main container for the hover-enabled tile.

classNameAdditional classes for styling the elementString
childrenContent to display inside the tileReact.ReactNode
propsAdditional HTML attributes for the tileHTMLDivElement


The HoverTileActions component displays actions on hover or focus within the HoverTile.

classNameAdditional classes for styling the elementString
childrenContent to display inside the actions areaReact.ReactNode
propsAdditional HTML attributes for the actionsHTMLDivElement


The approach for customization will vary depending on if the customization is intended to be global for all consumers of the UI component or if it is only an override for a particular instance.

  • If the customization is necessary for all use cases, update the component source code in the UI library package directly.
  • Otherwise, pass className overrides.