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The Category model contains category metadata


  • BaseProduct - common attributes for all product types
  • Product - Union of possible product types, e.g, SimpleProduct, ContainerProduct, BundleProduct
  • VariationAttributeModel - variation attribute selection state

Product Types

  • SimpleProduct - A product that has no variations or options to select.
  • ContainerProduct - Container for VariationProducts. Cannot be added to cart. Contains variation attribute definitions.
  • VariationProduct - A particular combination of variation attributes which maps to a sku.
  • VariationGroup - A ContainerProduct with some pre-selected variation attribute values.
  • SearchHit - Search index representation for a product. This is usually a subset of Product attributes as search indexes typically don't contain all product data from the commerce provider


  • Cart - customer cart top level attributes
  • CartDraft - Parameters for creating a cart
  • LineItem - Union of possible line item types. Currently only ProductLineItem, but open for extension.
  • Order - extension of Cart for successfully placed orders


  • ShippingAddress and BillingAddress - extensions of Address from @hv/common/models for cart addresses
  • ShippingAddressDraft and BillingAddressDraft - parameters for creating respective cart address objects.
  • CustomerPaymentMethod - union of possible payment methods. Currently only CustomerPaymentMethodCreditCard, but open for extension


  • Pricing - union of possible price types
  • KnownPricing - union of price types that have a known, numeric price value
  • UnknownPrice - A price that is unavailable or hasn't been calculated yet
  • PromotionPrice - A price that has been affected by Promotion(s)
  • SalePrice - A discounted price without a promotion specified.
  • ListPrice - A standard price with no promotions or discounts
