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What's Included

Next.js App

The Next.js app pulls all of the ui library and integration packages together to deliver a storefront.

UI library

The @hv/ui package exports reusable tailwind-based ui components

Integration and Vendor Packages

For more information on how integration packages themselves are structured, see Packages Overview


The @hv/cms package exports a Content function that returns the vendor agnostic interface to the CMS.

CMS Vendors

The @hv/cms package will use the currently configured cmsProvider package to talk to the vendor and normalize content objects.

Vendor specific code will be in vendor packages:

  • contentful
  • sanity
  • hygraph
  • amplience


The @hv/commerce package exports a Catalog function that returns the vendor agnostic interface to the vendor catalog:

Catalog Vendors

The @hv/commerce package will use the currently configured commerceProvider package to talk to the vendor and normalize catalog objects.

Vendor specific code will be in vendor packages:

  • commercetools
  • bigcommerce
  • shopify

Product Lists

If supported by the commerce vendor (indicated by its capabilities), The @hv/product-lists package exports a ProductLists function that returns the vendor agnostic interface to customer product lists:

Product List Vendors

The @hv/product-lists package will use the currently configured commerceProvider package to talk to the vendor and normalize the product list objects.

Vendor specific code will be in vendor packages. As of this writing only commercetools has the customerProductList capability:

  • commercetools


The @hv/commerce package exports a Cart function that returns the vendor agnostic interface to the vendor cart:

Cart Vendors

The @hv/commerce package will use the currently configured commerceProvider to actually talk to the vendor and normalize cart objects.

Vendor specific code will be in vendor packages:

  • commercetools
  • bigcommerce
  • shopify


The @hv/checkout package exports a Checkout function that returns the vendor agnostic interface to the vendor checkout:

This package performs initialization of checkout sessions when using the included drawer checkout or redirecting a customer to a vendor hosted checkout experience, such as Stripe.

Checkout Vendors

The @hv/checkout package will use the currently configured checkoutProvider to actually handle checkout initialization or redirect logic.

Vendor specific code will be in vendor packages:

  • checkout-stripe-redirect

Note: the currently configured commerce vendor may used as a checkout vendor.

A commerce vendor can indicate that it has its own hosted checkout with the capabilities key/value pair object. Capabilities for the current vendor are accessible with import { getCapabilities } from '@hv/commerce;

If a commerce vendor like Shopify exports expressCheckout: true as a capability, the @hv/checkout package will use the commerce vendor for checkout handling.


The @hv/profile package exports a Profile function that returns the vendor agnostic interface to the vendor customer profile:

Profile Vendors

The @hv/profile package will use the currently configured profileProvider to actually talk to the profile apis and normalize profile objects.

Vendor specific code will be in vendor packages:

  • commercetools


The @hv/oms package exports an OMS function that returns the vendor agnostic interface to the vendor order management apis:

OMS Vendors

The @hv/oms package will use the currently configured omsProvider to actually talk to the oms apis and normalize oms objects.

Vendor specific code will be in vendor packages:

  • commercetools

The @hv/search package exports a Search function that returns the vendor agnostic interface to the vendor search:

Search Vendor

The @hv/search package will use the currently configured searchProvider to actually talk to the search apis and normalize search objects.

Vendor specific code will be in vendor packages:

  • algolia

Note: the currently configured commerce vendor may used as a search vendor.

A commerce vendor can indicate that it has search capabilities with the capabilities key/value pair object. Capabilities for the current vendor are accessable with import { getCapabilities } from '@hv/commerce;

If a commerce vendor like commercetools exports search: true as a capability, the @hv/search package will use the commerce vendor as a search provider instead of a third party provider like Algolia.


The @hv/config package exports a Config function that returns the vendor agnostic interface to the vendor config integration:

Config Vendors

The @hv/config package will use a vendor package to fetch and expose configs:

  • @hv/environment-variables-config

Feature Flags

The @hv/feature package exports a Feature function that returns the vendor agnostic interface to the feature flag integration:

Feature Vendors

The @hv/feature package will use a vendor package to fetch and expose feature flags:

  • @hv/environment-variables-config
  • @hv/feature-vercel