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Setting SEO Data

The High Velocity front-end app contains structured data to help search engines better index your content and deliver more relevant search results to users.

Structured data is a standardized format for providing information about a page and classifying its content. It uses a specific vocabulary, based on, to describe various elements of the webpage in a way that search engines and other applications can easily understand.

By using structured data, you can enhance your website's search engine optimization (SEO) and improve how your content appears in search results. This can lead to rich snippets, which are enhanced search results that can include images, ratings, prices, and other relevant information.

Structured data included in the app:

  1. Organization: provides detailed information about your organization.
  2. WebSite: provides detailed information about your website.
  3. WebPage: provides information about the content and purpose of a webpage.
  4. Articles: provides information about the content and context of an article webpage.
  5. Products: provides information on a product's attributes and pricing.
  6. Video: provides details about video content on a webpage.

High Velocity's structured data objects were created with the help of the schema-dts library. The schema-dts library provides JSON-LD TypeScript definitions for vocabulary.


Before your site goes to production, be sure to update and validate the values in each structured data object described below. We also recommend enhancing them to better suit your specific organizational type. Learn more at


The home page of the app contains the Organization JSON-LD object that describes your organization. Its data can be found in the app messages directory; this ensures it can be localized so global enterprises can provide accurate organizational data per locale. If you do not need your organizational data to be localized, you can add hard-coded values directly to the org-jsonld.tsx file. Learn more about the Organization structured data object.

Organization Properties

PropertyDescriptionMessage key
urlURL for the organizationorganizationUrl
logoAn associated logoorganizationLogo
legalNameThe name of the organizationorganizationName
nameThe website namesiteName
addressPhysical address of the organizationorganizationStreet, organizationLocality, organizationRegion, organizationPostalCode, organizationCountry
contactPointA URL for your organization logoorganizationTel
sameAsReference webpages, such as social media channelsorganizationLinkedIn, organizationX, organizationYoutube


The home page of the app contains the WebSite JSON-LD object that describes the website. Its data has some overlap with the Organization JSON-LD object; it also uses configurations from the home page CMS content. Verify the data is correct in the site-jsonld.tsx file. Learn more about the WebSite structured data object.

WebSite Properties

PropertyDescriptionMessage key or source
urlURL for the websitePreset with the site domain
nameThe website namesiteName
descriptionThe website descriptionConfigured in the CMS
imageAn associated logoPreset to a local logo
publisherOrganization publishing the websiteSee Organization table above
potentialActionAn action that may be performedPreset with search
keywordsDescriptive words that describe your websiteConfigured in the CMS


Where the Organization and WebSite structured data objects should only appear once in your site, a WebPage JSON-LD object should be included on any page that you allow to be indexed. Its data has some overlap with the Organization and WebSite JSON-LD objects; it also uses configurations from the home page CMS content. Verify the data is correct in the page-jsonld.tsx file. Learn more about the WebPage structured data object.

WebPage Properties

PropertyDescriptionMessage key or source
urlURL for the webpagePreset with the page absolute path
nameThe webpage nameConfigured in the CMS
descriptionThe webpage descriptionConfigured in the CMS
imageAn associated imageConfigured in the CMS (Open Graph image)
keywordsDescriptive words that describe your webpageConfigured in the CMS
isPartOfWebsite that contains the webpageSee Website table above
publisherOrganization publishing the websiteSee Organization table above


An Article is a type of WebPage. It includes all of the structured data a WebPage has and additional properties specific to the article. These properties are added to the CMS Article Page types. Verify the data is correct in the page-jsonld.tsx file. Learn more about the Article structured data object.

Article Properties

PropertyDescriptionMessage key or source
headlineThe article titleConfigured in the CMS (also the page title)
authorThe author of the articleConfigured in the CMS
publishDateThe webpage descriptionConfigured in the CMS
modifiedDateAn associated imageConfigured in the CMS (Open Graph image)
imageAn associated imageConfigured in the CMS (Open Graph image)


Product structured data is added to Product Detail Pages. All product types have a set of base properties in common. The base data object is then extended to reflect the custom attributes of each product type. For example, variation products include a nested object isVariantOf that includes master product data along with an array of its sibling variants. Verify the data is correct in the product-jsonld.tsx file. Learn more about the Product structured data object.

Product Properties

PropertyDescriptionMessage key or source
nameThe product nameProduct catalog
descriptionThe product descriptionProduct catalog
imageAn associated imageProduct catalog
urlURL for the product pagePreset with the absolute path
brandThe product brandProduct catalog
categoryThe primary product categoryProduct catalog
keywordsDescriptive words that describe your webpageProduct catalog
skuThe product Stock Keeping UnitProduct catalog
offersThe product pricing and availabilityProduct catalog
isVariantOfMaster Product data for variation productsProduct catalog


VideoObject structured data provides a way for your organizational video content to be indexed. The structured data included is for example only. You will need to implement API calls using your organizational credentials to get the video data used in the video-jsonld.tsx file. Learn more about the VideoObject structured data object.


This structured data is for example only. Use your API credentials to complete implementation of this object.

Video Properties

nameThe video titleVideo data
descriptionThe video descriptionVideo data
thumbnailImageAn associated imageVideo data
uploadDateDate video was uploaded in ISO date formatVideo data

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